A recipe with a story. This banana bread is so yummy! It's perfected for high altitude baking, so you may have to adjust! I craved this and kale with my daughter. Kale by the bags, not even kidding. What did you crave?
My journey to gluten free began a long time ago. I had been diagnosed with PCOS, severe endometriosis and had "Hormones like a woman going through menopause," according to multiple women's doctors ( several women's health "specialists"). I was given a list of things I needed to take and have done. I was 12 the first time I was told that birth control would be the only way to regulate the heavy and never ending cycle I had. Fast forward a few years, nothing had changed except my Dr. and a new option was given. GnRH, basically a medicine that sends the body into a menopausal state until the medicine is stopped. The side effects were long and this option didn't sit well. Option 2 from this doctor, let's try laparoscopy. "We will go in cauterize what we can and see if that helps." And so my journey with laparoscopic surgery began. Unfortunately this method wasn't long lasting. A month, maybe 2 without excruciating pain and crazy bleeding and then back to life as it was before. Welcome doctors 3, 4, 5…Over and over I heard the same thing, "We can try this pill, this shot, this procedure, high dose pain meds… and then, "A hysterectomy is probably the answer to your condition. Without it, you will have to learn to deal with the pain, the non stop bleeding, the dizziness, but that's your choice." My choice? I remember feeling sad, angry, confused and everything in between. I had been told since I was 12 that I may never carry my own child and now the reality of that was being placed in my hands as a "cure" and a "choice."
My choice ended up going against Western Medicine. The world of chiropractic care, Chinese medicine, naturopaths, less toxic lifestyle including all things put in near and on my body, Young Living supplements and essential oils, meditation and manifestation, diving back into my bible.... I knew there was another way, there had to be. My intuition had yet to let me down and I am thankful I followed it.
And on this day for years ago, it all started. My body shifted and was preparing itself.
*Recipe below in image