Follow the Child & Educational Resources

Follow the Child & Educational Resources
Photo-Part of Raising Up Wild Things Garden Nature Journal 

Years in the classroom as a teacher, shifted everything I once believed about learning. In fact, it forced me to step back into my childhood to see how I was learning well before I stepped foot into a classroom. It helped me see that I didn't need to lead the way in my classroom,  I needed to observe my students and allow them to show me the way. 

Learning is happening all the time 

Our children begin learning in the womb and one of the most powerful things we can do is speak to our child/children before they are born. Same goes for after they are born-speak to them, read to them, connect, pay attention to what makes their eyes light up and dive in. 

Follow the child

Unfortunately, child led learning is often replaced with the pressure to keep up and one very common concern-"How do I know if my child is behind? 

First I want to ask this-Behind what? 

Truth is every child is behind someone and every child is ahead of someone. So let's drop the comparison and worry.  Let's start focusing on OUR child/children and support them where they are at- whether they are well ahead, right on track or "behind." 

One of the best things we can do is drop the pressure to perform for a test or milestone. Sure, milestones have their place, but everyone should be able to reach them differently and at different times. 

Let's trust our children to bloom when they are ready.  And more often than not,  let's follow the child instead of leading the child. 

When we give our children the opportunity to lean into what they love, the learning is lifelong instead of test passing long. The knowledge stays when a child is interested and the quest to know more is constant. 

With that said, I often get asked what we use for a curriculum. We don't follow a curriculum,  we follow our child and use some wonderful resources to support her. 

If you are looking for some great resources I'm including some of our favorites! 

First up- 
Raising Up Wild Things is having a sale on the best of the best when it comes to nature journals! The illustrations are hand drawn by Natalie and her heart is poured into everything she does. To top it off she is having a sale! 

Raising Up Wild Things see code below

For 30% off  use code STAYWILD. The sale is for four days only, beginning Wednesday, 7/20, through Saturday, 7/23 at Midnight (Pacific Time). 

Here are a few of my other favorites. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about any of the resources.  I'm even happy to share a sneak peak! 

I have several other resources,  please reach out if you need help. I love helping families find the perfect fit for their child/children.  

Enjoy the rest of the summer and remember to breathe-play and rest is also learning. 


Winter Fun & The Shift in Seasons

Hello Everyone, 

I'm not sure about where you are, but we have dove into winter with our first snow in the lower elevations of Colorado! We woke to 16 degree temps and frozen snow crystals everywhere. 

I know for many the change in seasons can bring about a mix of emotions and for those that love to get outside with their little ones, snow can sometimes be a challenge. It's why I wanted to share a few ideas with you all and offer some support. 

As always,  I'm here to talk or just listen.  

Thank you for following along and being part of my village, Joey

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Reading and Environmental Print

Reading and Environmental Print
Nurturing a love of reading doesn't need to be hard (unless something else is going on). Reading should be natural and part of our daily our lives. Reading is something we do daily, sometimes without realizing it and that’s why environmental print is a huge part of a child’s reading journey.