A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess
Currently diving into loving messes on a whole other level as I am single parenting it these days and have been for almost 2 months. Yes my husband and I are still together,  but if you scroll back a few posts I talk about some hiccups we have had in our RV adventures. 

So as we are still waiting in CO for our RV to be repaired, my husband is floating the river through Yellowstone,  seeing moose, eagles, otters...daily. Do I sound bitter 😉? I'm actually not,  but I do wish we were with him. He is actually guiding so it's not all pretty as he spends many hours rowing against the waves, in high heat while untangling fishing line...

With that said I'm learning to embrace messes on a whole other level.  If you've followed me long enough @Destinationmommy on IG you know one thing I say often is- Messes are learning in progress. I actually love messy work and play. I thrive knee deep in the mud, kitchen experiments gone wild and all things cringe worthy to those on the outside looking in...I have been the outcast mama that encourages other kiddos to toss the mud and roll in the dirt... I've learned to be ok with it. 

Now, I'm learning to be ok NOT being able to tidy up like I usually do when my husband is home. An even harder realization is-I don't have my husband jumping in to clean up our fun. Sure, my daughter helps,  but it just isn't the same, so I'm learning to breathe. 

Why don't we just make less of a mess? Because messes are something I once prayed for. I prayed for sticky fingerprints in my windows and crumb trails down the hall. I prayed for my child for years.

In time I'll pray again for the messes to return, so for now I remind myself to breathe, let things go and remember that at one point in my life I prayed for this. 

Two things I encourage you to do today
1. Leave life a little messier than normal 
2. Step outside for as long as possible and breathe!

Life is too short, to be staring at a screen, wishing for another's life or journey. Go love the life you have or start loving the life you have and embrace your beautiful mess.

Little disclaimer- we do make most of our messes outside as we spend most of our day outdoors, so the clean up is easier.  Definitely take the mess outside,  it helps! 

Hugs, Joey