A 41 year old mama of one, my miracle baby. I'm a lover of all things nature and you'll often find me barefoot in the garden. I was raised "wild" as many would call it today. I spent my days outside as a child, collecting rocks and sticks and swimming with my ducks. We made beautiful art from our nature treasures and ate lunch with dirt under our nails. The best part~I was raised by my mom. Unfortunately a woman that didn't know her worth and to this day wonders if the childhood she provided us was enough. You see she escaped to nature as a single mama trying to survive. A single mama, raising an empathic little one. 

My mom and my childhood~Are the reasons I'm here in this space. To encourage you to find the calm in where your heart calls you to be. To encourage you to leave the hustle behind and be connected with what truly matters. AND-If you are raising a highly sensitve child-empath, you will find that life has to slow down for calm to move in.

Another gift my mama gave me-I wasn't raised with all the latest and greatest,  but I was raised at home by a mama that made the mundane, magical. Her time was and is a gift. I'm here to tell you to let go of what the world wants you to believe a child needs in order to be happy. 

More about me~My love language is acts of service, but I'm working on putting myself at the top of the list. I can play several instruments by ear, but the cello is probably my favorite. I'm a recovering workaholic, once a woman that believed her worth was determined by how much she accomplished...I love homemade food and meals at the table. I am an introvert, that loves being home, yet craves connection. I'm Hispanic, Chinese and Native American. I'm a infertility warrior that once dreamed of 7 children. I'm a work in progress and thankful for this chapter in my life that has taught me to never judge a book by its cover.  

Thank you for being here! I look forward to connecting.