Has anyone told you that you are enough mama? Have you told yourself? Have you told your child or children?
Do you know that the mama you were put on this earth to be, is right inside of you waiting for you to embrace her? That simply being you, will bring so much peace into your life and into your children's lives...
That when you compare yourself to others, you lose sight of who you were made to be for your children? That comparison is a longing for connection and a desire to be welcomed by those that understand?
That the more you stay up searching for the perfect crafts, birthday decorations or....the less rested and avaliable you are to be the only thing your children truly desire-YOU.
Guess what? Your children do not care if you toss some balloons around or make an impressive balloon display. Our children do not care what the cake looks like, they just want to eat it. Our children aren't comparing what they have to other's, until we embrace that mindset.
Mama you can run the race, do all the things, while exhausting yourself=a tired, easily triggered mama...or you can step into the one thing your children truly desire and that's you. You-horrible baker, not crafty or perhaps the opposite, they just need YOU!
We must drop the expectations society has placed on us and our children, because when we do, OUR motherhood journey begins and our children will have the childhood they so deserve.
Yep, just you. When we drop the pressure to perform and be the "Pinned" and "inspirational" mama, we give ourselves a huge breath and the rest we need in order to just be.
Guess what, I speak from experience. My mama raised 2 under 5, all alone. I didn't know we didn't have the things other children did. I didn't know that being barefoot in the garden with my mama all day wasn't a gift (because it is a gift).
I didn't think that our walks to the park and the library, with a picnic lunch were anything less than magical.
Boxes were the best gift we could receive and camping in a tent was like the coolest thing ever.
We have shifted into a bought world, where money spent is love and the bigger the birthday party the more a child is cared about...
Can I burst that idea-A child's love is not bought. I have lived both sides. My father-very wealthy and money bought it all. The flipside, my mother, ran a daycare to stay home with us. She had just enough to provide, but what she didn't know at the time-she provided what we truly needed for the rest of our lives. A mother that was present with her love and time. And while she may not have understood the value of what we didn't have or couldn't afford at the time, it's my mission to help other families see that what they don't have or can't afford, is a blessing in disguise as long as we let go of the noise from the outside world.
Society wants us to fall into a lack mindset so that we become consumers at any cost, but what if we begin to write down the things we enjoy in our daily life along with the things our children enjoy most?
I bet if you give this a go, you'll find that the simplest life is the most abundant because we are born with very basic needs, that don't change until society makes us believe they should.
*The above is a little piece of my book. Not polished by any means (as in not edited) but felt the pull to share today.
Hugs to you, wherever you may be today, don't forget you are a good mom!