Good Morning!
I shared this picture on IG a week or so ago and the response was amazing. Showing up as our authentic self is powerful.
I often get caught up thinking I need to clean up before posting. I tell myself that in order to be seen as a professional I need to look a certain way, but here are my honest thoughts.
I often get caught up thinking I need to clean up before posting. I tell myself that in order to be seen as a professional I need to look a certain way, but here are my honest thoughts.
I'm a nature loving mama and wife, the messy hair and dirt on my face do not take away from what I have to offer. In fact, it shows you that I'm real. I'm working from home without putting on a show (this is not in judgement of those in suits or those that enjoy dressing up), I just made the decision to show up as me, because you too can show up as you and move forward in whatever it is your called to do.
For way too long I stood in my way thinking that I needed to "look professional" in order to share my journey and encourage others. While this thought may be true in some settings, I have found that my journey is meant to share with me being- unapologetically me. I am here to connect with all the mamas, but more specifically the mamas that wear PJs/yoga pants all day because what they wear doesn't control how they show up and change the world. The mamas that want to own their time and see their time as a gift. The families that have a desire to be together more.
If you're stuck thinking you need to be more, I'll tell you this, I found more, the minute I realized I was enough just as I was/am. We are worthy right where we are! We connect with the ones we are meant to serve, no matter what we are wearing or what we look like on the outside, because the heart is what truly matters.
Now that we had that conversation, I'm excited to share, that I'm just about ready to have you join me @raisingempathywithme on IG! Over the years, I have spent countless hours talking with women and sharing my journey (an empath raising and empath) via DMs. The door was opened many times for me to move into the role as a mentor to other mamas, but I kept closing it. Until my recent AFT (aroma freedom technique) session with my friend, Heather. She is such a gift and incredibly talented-my session turned into a light bulb and once again the door opened for me to serve.
If you'd like to Connect with Heather click the link.
If you'd like to stay connected, you're in the right place.
Stay tuned and as always, I love hearing from you. So don't be shy. If you have a minute send me a message.