Where do you store all the art your little one creates? How do you keep it organized?
When I taught in the classroom, each child had a portfolio to keep their art in. It was a simple 3 ring binder with page protectors in it. Art that wouldn't fit, would be on display and then sent home.
The reason I kept a portfolio for each child~it's like a storybook of growth. One you can see unfold as you look through their creations from day one to the end.
Children's art is so much more than beautiful, it's a peak into where they were at that moment of time. For some it's a relase of how they were feeling. For others art is their why, their purpose and what grounds them. For some art is a time to get messy and be free.
My tips for storing/organizing art!
Frame it and display it in your home. Nothing better than decorating your walls with the work of your little one’s heart. Something to consider before doing a project, am I using paper that is the right size for a frame? If not, am I willing to pay to have a custom frame made or take time to make my own frame? You can find cheap frames and I have found some of my favorites at second hand stores. If they aren't exactly how you want them, paint them! Or just use blue painters tape and stick them up on the wall!
Buy a few portfolios! You can buy portfolios online or find them at your local arts and craft store. I like to have a couple sizes on hand (11x14 and 9x12 are the two we use most), because I am not into art that is all on one size of paper. For our larger art projects, I have a huge portfolio (24x36). It has hard sides. I didn't photograph it, but it's a must have over here. I have stashed a few pieces away to have framed hopefully in the near future.
3 dimensional art is still a work in progress over here. I have a shelf with lots of pieces, but for some art that doesn't last, like amazing chalk drawings or flower creations…I take picture, print them and place in the portfolios. A recent example,y daughter made a rainbow using different flowers and nature finds. I'll press this before the flowers dry and then frame it!
For everyday and the in between drawing times, I like to buy notepads with drawing paper. My daughter draws in them and I simply write the date on her drawing. I have several of these from when she was a baby (we started art/sensory fun as soon as she held her head up) and love looking back
Make a simple string line with clothespins and hang art up! I rotate this often and put the art that is no longer up, into one of the portfolios.
Children's art is definitely my weakness, I may be an art hoarder, but I have come to terms with it!
How do you store art?